My family and I put together care packages and provide them to TRACC Logan (who provides Foster Care to children in my local area). TRACC Logan pass the packages on to children when they first enter foster care. The packages are items just for them, which they can keep with them no matter where they live.
We welcome with open arms any assistance you can provide! This is an ongoing project so you can help out at any time. I have added some info about what makes up our packages. On the side of my blog I have added links to some crafty tutorials that would be lovely items to include in the packages (this is just some of the thousands of free tutorials available on the internet).
Some "givers" send in a hand crafted item, others will donate a full package, while other "givers" donate one or many of the same items. For this reason I provide a monthly update at the beginning of each month to let you know what we have plenty of and what items are still in need.
If you are able to contribute please contact me at for my postal address or if you are local and would like to save some postage I am happy to pickup items from you or have them dropped to my home.
Many thanks for your giving spirit.
{ shannon }